


Aero Development Japan develops the best power systems for the next generation of long-range, heavy-duty drones.

Our mission


離島や過疎地、孤立した被災地や山岳地帯にも必要な物資が届く。Aero Development Japan (ADJ)は、リチウムイオン電池のドローンでは難しかった、より重い荷物をより遠くまで運ぶ、次世代ドローン向けのハイブリッド動力システムを開発します。そして運送業界に新しい輸送メソッドを提案し、農林水産業、物流業、建設業など、さまざまな業界の課題解決に貢献します。
Aero Development Japan (ADJ) will develop a hybrid power system for next-generation drones to carry heavier loads to greater distances, which has not been easy to achieve with lithium-ion battery drones. We will propose new transportation methods to the transportation industry, and contribute to solving problems in various industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, logistics, and construction.


ADJ Hybrid Power System

ADJ Hybrid Power Systemは、長距離・重量物搭載ドローンに最適な、ガスタービン・小型発電機のハイブリッド動力システムです。
ADJ Hybrid Power System is a hybrid power system of a gas turbine and a small generator that is ideal for long-range, heavy-lift drones.


  • 2019.11.05【出展】
    • 2020年9月29・30日に行われたJAPAN DRONE展に出展しました。
  • 2019.10.19 【お知らせ】
    • 公益財団法人 東京都中小企業振興公社の「2019年度先進的防災技術支援事業」に採択されました。



社 名 :エアロディベロップジャパン株式会社
代 表 :田邉 敏憲 (たなべ としのり)
本 店 :東京都小金井市本町1-18-5 村松ビル小金井5F
設 立 :2018年7月
事 業 :長距離・重量物ドローン向けハイブリッド動力システムの開発および販売
理 念 :ハイブリッド動力システムで世界の空を拓く


There are many truly outstanding technologies in Japan. Unfortunately, however, they tend to be scattered, and even though Japan is the world’s top country in terms of parts, it is losing its global presence in areas where they are integrated. In order to break through this situation, I have been taking on the challenge of creating new industries at the Bank of Japan and in the academic world, based on the concept of “systems innovation,” which makes use of Japan’s excellent technologies while at the same time adding “cross-skewers” to technologies that Japan is not good at. In this context, the Japan U.S.A. Inc.
Then, I met Japan UAS Industry Development Association (JUIDA), and as I continued my research, I realized that the next new frontier for economic growth, and a field where great innovation can be expected, is the “drone space” between the earth’s surface and manned aircraft. I realized that the next new frontier of economic growth, a field where great innovation is expected, lies in the “drone space” between the earth’s surface and manned aircraft. In this field, where there is still no decisive player on the global stage, I am convinced that we can now quickly become the world leader by developing hybrid engines that combine various engines and small power generators that have been cultivated by the Japanese automobile industry and other industries.
田邊 敏憲(Toshinori Tanabe)


【住所】東京都小金井市本町1-18-5 村松ビル5F
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